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br For more than a
For more than a decade, WHO has focused its efforts against infectious diseases in Africa on HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria. HIV benefited from unprecedented efforts to enable diagnosis and prevention of transmission and to provide therapy at low cost. National networks of health clinics, transpor
Do ponto de vista da
Do ponto de vista da insurgência, oligomycin resposta governamental se encaixava perfeitamente à leitura política sustentada por Guzmán. O “presidente” pregava que a ação senderista explicitaria a violência estatal, constrangendo o campesinato a se levantar contra o Estado e em última análise, tomar
Equally important to the scientific
Equally important to the scientific findings of Soka and colleagues\' report is the context of the activities—established not as a research study but as a national programme oriented toward health service provision and risk reduction. The programme packaged semen testing with counselling for survivo
Both stunting and environmental enteric dysfunction improve
Both stunting and environmental enteric dysfunction improve with radical shifts in environment, such as serine protease inhibitors or local economic development. This improvement is reflected to some extent by the smoothing of the seasonality of undernutrition reported by Nabwera and colleagues in t
br In a detailed analysis
In a detailed analysis using multiple data sources in this issue of , Emily Keats and colleagues show that Kenya made some progress in reducing maternal and newborn mortality between 2003 and 2015, and made greater progress in reducing child mortality between 1998 and 2015, after earlier increases
I-BET-762 Supplier br Discussion GISTs originate from the in
Discussion GISTs originate from the interstitial I-BET-762 Supplier of Cajal. They occur commonly in the stomach (50–60%), the small intestine (30–35%), the colon and rectum (5%) and the esophagus ( excision followed by Imatinib (case 4), one case received radiation (case 5), and one case receive
Patients with syncope often suffer secondary trauma Major
Patients with syncope often suffer secondary trauma. Major morbidities such as fractures and injuries from motor vehicle accidents have been reported in 6% of patients, whereas minor injuries such as lacerations and bruises have been reported in 29% [1]. Recurrent syncope was associated with fractur
br To see how the quantity of osteosarcoma in
To see how the quantity of osteosarcoma in vitro studies developed overtime, we set out to systematically identify all the drugs that have been tested on osteosarcoma menin in vitro in the past two decades. A PubMed search strategy was compiled which can be found in Supplementary data 1. To our s
Desde la perspectiva expuesta la etnicidad
Desde la perspectiva expuesta, la etnicidad constituye una dimensión potencial de la identidad, fundamentada en un conjunto de elementos que, al seguir la tradición weberiana, pueden abarcar la percepción de origen, cultura, idioma o rasgos fenotípicos compartidos por un conjunto de personas. La ad
br The slow progress in endemicity mapping of neglected
The slow progress in endemicity mapping of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) in Africa and scaling up of mass drug administration (MDA) in all endemic countries has hampered efforts to meet the London 2020 elimination and control targets. Lymphatic filariasis is targeted to be eliminated by 2020
Treatment options for elderly AML must be based
Treatment options for elderly AML must be based on four main factors: patient\'s clinical condition, disease characteristics, patient wishes and social support. Thus, the most frail and oldest among the oldest will have the least net benefit from chemotherapy or hematopoietic transplantation, even i
br Conflict of interest br Disclosures br Acknowledgments br
Conflict of interest Disclosures Acknowledgments Patient presentation A 64-year-old male with a history of a right ventricular outflow tract ventricular tachycardia (RVOT-VT) ablation presented from an outlying hospital due to four recent episodes of non-exertional syncope. He had three
En otros casos como en de scar de
En otros casos, como en de Óscar de Pablo (1979), predomina el referente histórico como una tranylcypromine para desarrollar tramas narrativas muy complejas, donde puede mezclarse poesía y reflexión social; en “Nadie (que yo conozca) es Tolomeo III”, aprovecha la imagen de un faraón egipcio del si
Rollout of Avahan programme activities began in January
Rollout of Avahan programme activities began in January, 2004, reaching almost all districts by mid-2005, and with rapid scale-up within each district. By December, 2008, more than 75% of the estimated target populations of female sex workers (total population 217 000) and high-risk men who have sex
El n mero de correspondiente al primer semestre de ofrece
El número 58 de correspondiente al primer semestre de 2014, ofrece la sección Movimientos sociales y democracia en América Latina, en la cual se encuentran temas de gran relevancia política y social para nuestra América. En primer lugar, el artículo “Sentidos de lugar y movimiento social: indígenas
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