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Both stunting and environmental enteric dysfunction improve
Both stunting and environmental enteric dysfunction improve with radical shifts in environment, such as carboxypeptidase b or local economic development. This improvement is reflected to some extent by the smoothing of the seasonality of undernutrition reported by Nabwera and colleagues in these th
Biological mechanisms have also been associated
Biological mechanisms have also been associated with poor cardiovascular outcomes in ICD patients with depression, such as alteration of cardiac autonomic tone, activation of the sympathetic nervous system, enhanced activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, and elevated inflammatory and p
La relaci n entre el narcotr fico
La relación entre el narcotráfico y los grupos guerrilleros y los paramilitares se ha dado: “[…] no sólo como fuente de financiación sino como actor con intereses propios, ya que han aumentado significativamente las ‘familias’ que se dedican al tráfico de drogas, que a su vez están aumentando sus fo
¿POR QUÉ UNA POÉTICA DEL EXILIO? A lo largo de nuestra investigación hemos seleccionado diversos autores y sus perspectivas que nos permiten analizar el objeto de estudio. Existe, por una parte, una dificultad por reconocer una problemática que atienda las necesidades de las producciones intelect
Baseline WBC count and baseline measures
Baseline WBC count and baseline measures of hepatic and renal function for responders and nonresponders are shown in Table 1. No relationship was evident between responders to decitabine or treatment choice and baseline WBC counts, or between responders and baseline measures of hepatic function (ALT
It is generally believed that the pelvis
It is generally believed that the pelvis is possibly the most accurate bone in the human body for gender determination, with the accuracy being 95% when completed. In addition, it is estimated that the accuracy of gender identification from the subpubic angle, ventral arc, and composite is approxima
Self reported health SRH is considered to be a
Self-reported health (SRH) is considered to be a valuable source of data on various aspects of general health. In fact, it is one of the most widely used indicators of health status in survey research, and is recommended by the World Health Organization. SRH can be influenced by individual determina
br Discussion Unfortunately it was not possible to perfom
Discussion Unfortunately it was not possible to perfom a RCT comparing medical ozone gas therapy in respect to standard therapy because all our 24 patients had been previously treated with various cycles of antibiotic therapies before we could start the therapy with O3 gas. Moreover the patients
We conducted a retrospective analysis to compare a BMD alone
We conducted a retrospective analysis to compare a BMD-alone strategy, versus BMD+FRAX® and BMD+FRAX®+TBS screening strategies. To our knowledge, this constitutes the first study to assess the relative contributions of FRAX® and TBS. In our cohort, FRAX®+BMD identified 9 (9%) additional patients at
Por otro lado cabe subrayar que esta eleg
Por otro lado, cabe subrayar que esta “elegía” de Pellicer se asemeja al género precolombino del icnocuicatl, los “Canto[s] de desolación, de orfandad” (Garibay 1992: 89). Según Garibay, estos cantos precolombinos “tienen parentesco con las elegías […] de los poetas de Occidente, en que se canta la
Los tres especialistas invitan a volver la mirada hacia
Los tres especialistas invitan a volver la mirada hacia la figura polémica de Las Casas y su Brevíssima relación desde nuestro complejo presente, para interpelarnos como lectores críticos del siglo xxi acerca de la dolorosa historia order Epigallocatechin de América Latina. Cronista que “ve la re
br Conclusiones br LA REVISTA DE FILOSOF A
Conclusiones LA REVISTA DE FILOSOFÍA Para la época en que se publicaba la Revista de Filosofía, Cultura, Ciencias y Educación, José Ingenieros lideraba una agrupación nucleada en torno order ALW-II-41-27 intereses intelectuales y afinidades personales que recuperaba, aunque con mucha más moder
According to most published reports patients with Twiddler s
According to most published reports, patients with Twiddler\'s syndrome are usually diagnosed due to some type of sudden device malfunction [1–4,6–15]. Early detection of this condition can also be achieved with a home monitoring system [8]. The case presented is a rare one in which Twiddler\'s synd
Pregnancy may induce arrhythmias due to myocardial stretch f
Pregnancy may induce arrhythmias due to myocardial stretch from increased blood volume, increased sympathetic tone due to increased sensitivity of adrenergic receptors, and the effect of hormones such as SBI-0206965 and progesterone [5]. In most cases of pregnancy-induced arrhythmia, the arrhythmia
br Recalls and advisories Managing components under advisory
Recalls and advisories Managing components under advisory notices poses several daunting challenges. Fig. 5 illustrates the benefit of HM for the management of recalled components [29,32]. Advisories encompass disintegration of high-voltage circuitry, battery depletion, and lead failure—almost al
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